The Crew

The Ship

            The Bridge
            Crew Quarters 
            The Ready Room
            The Holography Room

The Species

The Worlds

The Guests

The USS Trouble's' bridge was modeled after ships in the Constellation class, but the crew has added touches of their own.

The Captain, First Officer and honored guest (or anyone else who wants to, including the Cats) sit in the center, in what is often referred to as "the Captain's barcalounger."

Captain Shimbo specifically request NYC Subway type "straps" for people to hang on to in case of a shock to the ship, or the gravity going bonkers, or a sudden urge to play George of the Jungle. When not in use for their intended purposes, the bridge is decorated with visuals, games and items which pay homage to the time, back in the 20th Century, when such spaceflight was first envisioned.

Last updated on 29 April 2022


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